a little east of reality

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

to boldly blog where no blogger has blogged before

Attended a course today called Advanced Writing Skills. Of course it was geared towards work, so we learned the difference between a submission and a brief (a brief is of course a type of underwear and therefore more difficult to write on) and how to create documents that people can understand (since when has that been the government's goal?).

The instructor was model thin and wore her considerable elegance like a weapon. When we gave an answer that was not the next phrase on her carefully crafted schedule of answers, she would pause, as if the words of her teacher's manual were echoing in her memory ~ "avoid criticising incorrect answers, or students may become discouraged" ~ and then say, "that's...good, but not quite what I had in mind." Her ee-nun-see-a-shun was so private school perfect that I kept wanting to mimic it like you do when you hear an interesting accent.

After lunch we had a grammar auction game. Me being such a grammar nerd, I just smiled when she announced it ~ and yes we won ~ but to give credit where it's due, she did teach us a couple of useful things, like that even though people in the Public Service get very finicky about split infinitives, there is actually nothing grammatically wrong with them. I must tell that one to Rev. Every time Rev mentions Star Trek at work, one of his colleagues points out that 'to boldly go' is a split infinitive (and they say trekkies are nerds...) Well then, no more worldwide shame for trekkies - the split infinitive is innocent!
The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
Okay I clearly need sleep.