a little east of reality

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

~~~happy new year~~~

New Year's is my favourite holiday. I love the sense of renewal, the fresh start. I have no particular reason to think that 2008 will be better than 2007, but I choose to believe so anyway. The new year is always a hopeful thing for me. I hope it is for you, too. Hope for good things, and hope for strength to deal with the difficult things.

Let me quote this wish from Neil Gaiman's blog:
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't to forget make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
Did I make new year's resolutions, you ask? Sort of. My long term goals haven't changed, so this year I thought I'd make three simple resolutions just for 2008. And they are:
1. read more non-fiction
2. take more photographs
3. make more friends

Actually I made a good start on number three by seeing the new year in at a friend's party, where I met three new people I liked.

Did you make any resolutions?

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