a little east of reality

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

intended for the day, not the fool...initially

But then I read this post and now he's welcome to take the compliment for any bits he likes. ^_^ Some people's writing is like reading under a feather quilt ~ even if what you read is sad, surprising or makes your mind race with new thoughts, somehow you still feel safe within their words.

Anyway, back to the post at hand:

Found while trawling their site, taken from the blurb advertising BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB's perfume April Fool.
The Fool is many things, but rarely is he foolish. He is the inscrutable zero, he is innocence perfected, and he is the nothing from which all things are created. It is the Fool that reveals truth and brings wisdom to King Lear, and it is the Fool that finally finds the Holy Grail.
My favourite April Fool's Day jokes were:

1. Rev wrote and circulated (internally and to me) a freaking hilarious fake media release about his branch boss. Sadly I cannot show it to you, but suffice it to say they perform a certain kind of security clearance and the media release had her accused of crimes that could only render her incapable of ever being approved for said clearance ever again. :) It looked so real, too!!


2. Google Australia's little gag: http://www.google.com.au/intl/en/gday/index.html Check out the testimonials, too!
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1 April 2008 - Google Australia today announced the launch of gDay™, a new beta search technology that will search web pages 24 hours before they are created.
(Click to enlarge pic of the 3-step process for using gDay technology...important, step 2: Choose 'one day in advance' option.)

Good one, Googs!
