a little east of reality

Thursday, September 13, 2007

made out like a bandit

(How do bandits make out? Do they kiss with tongues? hahaha)

I don't usually get a lot of presents for my birthday. Just not a kid any more I guess. but this birthday I got a whole bunch. I'd like to say I don't really care about getting presents, but in the end it was totally cool and I've spent the last week feeling like a gleeful pirate counting my treasure. Here's a selection:

Smallest mp3 player in the world. I have a big ole non-ipod 20GB-er, but this 1GB baby is tres cute and clips to my pocket.

This book from some friends who know I like Japan. I'm not really into Japanese history per se, but it's an interesting fictional setting (it's set in a world based on feudal Japan). It's the prequel to the Tales of the Otori trilogy, which I haven't read yet.

A game where you try to make high-scoring headline from the cards you are dealt, and end up with some funny headlines in the process.

Vampire romance bought with the bookstore voucher my sister gave me.

Plus about five other things including my mother throwing in for a goodly portion of my ticket to the The Police in January.

I would have gotten this lovely book, had the package not arrived open and empty. Australia Post are chasing it up as we speak, so I may still get it. I'll let you know. Frustrating, but.

Incidentally, in case you were wondering, we had my birthday dinner at Wagamama.

I had:

main meal: teriyaki steak soba
Teppan-fried soba noodles with baby bok choy, red onion, snow peas, beansprouts and chillies. garnished with grilled beef tenderloin, coriander and mixed sesame seeds drizzled with teriyaki sauce.

dessert: banana katsu
Crispy breaded banana with coconut ice cream served with honey and ginger syrup, dusted with cinnamon.

throughout dinner: Good conversation, lots of laughs, excellent birthday.

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